Rehearsing Reality United Kingdom2007,Nina Simões

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Rehearsing Reality is formed of a series of sequences that vary in length and approach including elements of space, time, music, silence, interviews and opposing views. By experiencing a constant process of disruption, the active viewer encounters a series of fragmented sequences interconnected with each other. This fragmented structure provides a multiplicity of meanings for which the audience must hunt and find.


Rehearsing Reality is formed of a series of sequences that vary in length and approach including elements of space, time, music, silence, interviews and opposing views. By experiencing a constant process of disruption, the active viewer encounters a series of fragmented sequences interconnected with each other. This fragmented structure provides a multiplicity of meanings for which the audience must hunt and find.

Production Country: 
United Kingdom
Production Year: 
Art and Artists
User Experience: 
Branching Narrative